Psyche Mystica
Redefining spirituality for the modern seeker

Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated with mythology, mysticism, and magic. I knew that there was something more to this world… I just didn’t know what it was, yet.
I discovered my passion for the tarot at the same time that I discovered my love of psychology, then all the pieces came together. Ever since, I've been on a journey to integrate mystic practices with psychological perspectives to reclaim spirituality for the modern seeker.
The Result is Psyche Mystica: A sacred space where spirituality & mysticism mingle with depth psychology.
Psyche Mystica is a place to come and seek self-growth, transformation, and self-actualization. My goal is for it to become a resource for other seekers, and mystics, and a container in which the spiritual dimension of life can be explored freely.
- Juan Andres
Psyche | Mystica